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From: "LokSatta" <fonderef@hd1.vsnl.net.in>
To: "Tirumala Srinivas" <corruptioneradication@yahoo.com>
Subject: Draft Memorandum to the President
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 19:16:51 +0530
August 14, 2002
Dear Friends,
Please find enclosed the
draft memorandum to the President, proposed to be presented on 16th
August. Keeping in view the constitutional position of the President, the
memorandum seeks to make an unassailable, constitutional case for his
intervention. The best course of action appears to be to refer such a
Bill/Ordinance to the Supreme Court under Article 143. Returning the Ordinance
to Council of Ministers under Article 74, withholding assent of Bill passed and
sending it to both Houses with a message under Article 111 are the other options
the President can exercise. We felt that obtaining Supreme Court’s opinion is
preferable to other courses, and it also covers all contingencies. If the
President is convinced of the merits of the case, he can of course adopt the
best course as he deems fit.
We welcome your views and responses. The memorandum will be finalized on 15th
August in Delhi and signed by all the delegates before meeting the president.
With warm regards
Jayaprakash Narayan
National Coordinator
Lok Satta
401/408 Nirmal Towers
Dwarakapuri Colony, Punjagutta
Hyderabad - 500 082
Tel: 040 3350778/3350790
Fax: 040 3350783
E-mail: loksatta@satyam.net.in
url: www.loksatta.org
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-----Tirumala Srinivas